1st Astronomy Club Meeting @ i3 Detroit – Lunar Eclipse

i3 Detroit had a test meeting for a much wanted Astronomy club.  With 4 people in attendance at 2:00am on a Tuesday morning, that is pretty awesome. 

The group gathered for the Lunar Eclipse and was disappointed with the bad weather conditions (p.s. that picture isn’t from us). 

But the group had a good time chatting and oogling over our new 10″ x 4′ telescope. 

We would love to start a Astronomy Club with monthly/weekly or event based meetings.  If you are interested, please speak up on our public google group @ i3detroit-public@googlegroups.com

i3 Detroit is Global – Invades Signal Radio

During our visit from GMC (not the car company) of the Netherlands, he told us about the great hackerspace radio station he puts on. 

We asked to be involved and yesterday was our first cast.  It was nothing special, more of a test cast, but it was our first step into a bigger world. 

The download can be found at http://signal.hackerspaces.org/archive/ and features an interview with our award winning FIRST Robotics Mentor Staff as well as a clip from our resident podcasters of Dementia Radio

Look out for more content for i3 as we ramp up our podcast production engine.  Thanks to GMC and Signal for the opportunity.

Woodworking & DIY Show Ticket – WINNER

Congrats to Miguwl who was selected by Random.org to win a pair of tickets to the Woodworking & DIY Show this weekend. 

Thanks to everyone who entered.  We have a new high for entrants into a contest (Did I mention this was the first one?) 

I’ll shoot you an email to arrange pick-up.

This was fun.  I’ll work on getting more prizes and try to do this monthly.  Stay tuned.

Flame Effects for the Artist – Feb 5 & 6, 2011 @ i3 Detroit

Attention all artists who wish to incorporate fire aspects into their art!  This class is for you…
The Detroit Fire Guild and the great folks at i3 Detroit are hosting an exciting two-day seminar and workshop teaching basic practices and principles for incorporating fuel based flame effects into your work. This class is great for the beginning fire artist and always has something new for the “expert”.
The first day will consist of a classroom session where we will discuss NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) guidelines including NFPA 54 and 58 the LP gas codes as well as NFPA 160 Flame Effects Before a Live Audience and other codes. We will examine the physical properties of LP gasses and get some hands on time with fittings and parts.  The day will finish off by taking a look at some typical designs for Flame Effects including accumulators, free burning effects, pilot lights, etc. We will have plenty of demonstrations and hands on materials as well as the legendary clear propane cylinder.
The second day will be a shop day where we will put what we have learned into action and create a one of a kind flame effect from the materials on hand. The best part of the class is the assembly of the effect so please let us know if you have materials or elements you may like to see incorporated. This class will be fun for the artist who is thinking of incorporating a small flame element into their work, as well as the more experienced fire artist wanting to take their work to the next level.
Leading this weekend will be Dave X, Fire Safety Manager for Burning Man for more than 10 years, and Eric Smith, Chief Inspector for the State of Nevada Board for the Regulation of LP Gas.
Check out some pic’s of past classes
New York
San Francisco
There is a fabrication & material fee for the class of $120.  
Both days’ classes will be from 10am – 5pm.
Printed materials and lunch will be provided each day.
Come and join us for this weekend to hang out with other fire artists and have a blast, no pun intended. We have room for 40 and will be taking walk up registration the day of the event, space permitting. Email your name to Fuelmaster@gmail.com to reserve your place.

Edge Lighting Workshop!

Looking for a fun and approachable electronics project?  Want to make crafty, attractive decorations in time for the holidays?  Then come to i3Detroit on Monday, December 20th for an edge lighting workshop with visiting writer and maker, Steve Hoefer!  The class will be held from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM with a $5 materials cost – tickets are limited.  Click Here to sign up at Eventbrite.

We are very excited to host Steve Hoefer for this workshop – a technologist, writer and contributor to both MAKE and CRAFT Magazines.  He is also a teacher and currently traveling the Midwest teaching crafty and hacker skills at interested hackerspaces.

More on the class, from Steve:

My current class for this tour is edge-lighting signs and holiday decorations. (Like these: http://flic.kr/p/8Z6pBL )  It’s a simple project that anyone can do, but it looks great and has a bunch of uses from decorations to displays for electronics projects.

Participants will get the supplies and skills to make at least three edge-lit pieces, learn how and why it works, and the basics of working with LEDs.  You need practically no prior experience with electronics and the class will last about 1 hour.

The class will cost $5 for materials, and if you can spare it, a recommended donation of $5 to i3Detroit.  See you there!