Red Bull Creation Contest

Red Bull ChipWe received our special invite package to the Red Bull Creation contest yesterday, about a week later then other hacker spaces – due to shipping problems. The invite is a mystery board filled with hidden Easter eggs, the more you find, the better.

Despite the late start, i3 Detroit was the first to find all the hidden Easter eggs in the board.

Congrats to the great team of hackers assembled at the space.  If anyone wants to check out the details, head over to our wiki page for more info.  Or, come check out the live project at the space.

Detroit Maker Faire – Call to Makers LIVE!!

The Call to Makers is now live and will close on 6/1.  Reserve your spot now.

Click here for more info and the entry form –

i3 Detroit had 13+ projects submitted last year.  Looking forward to another great event for Detroit.

About: Maker Faire Detroit is looking for a wide variety of eclectic, diverse and out-of-the-box ideas that highlight the DIY and tinkerer spirit. Exhibits and displays can range from student projects, robotics, music performance and participation, 3D printers and CNC mills, textile arts and crafts, home energy monitoring, rockets and R/C toys, sustainability, green tech, radios, vintage computers and game systems, electronics, electric vehicles, biology/biotech and chemistry projects, food and beverage makers, robotics, puppets, kites, bicycles, shelter (tents, domes, etc.), unusual tools or machines, how to fix things or take them apart (vacuums, clocks, washing machines, etc.).

Open Shop Night: Crazy Hats and Cookies

Join i3 Detroit for Open Shop Night, Friday April 1st, 7pm-11pm.

This week’s theme is Crazy Hats and Cookies!

Wear a hat, eat some cookies, hack some stuff, have some fun, and maybe play a practical joke or two.

Don’t miss it!


…(that means you.)

Disclaimer: silly hats and cookies not required to attend. But they are tasty! Mmmmmm….hats.

i3Detroit Call for Teachers: Great Global Hackerspace Challenge 2011

i3Detroit Call for Teachers: Great Global Hackerspace Challenge 2011

The Great Global Hackerspace Challenge is on!

i3Detroit is a hackerspace in Metro Detroit. We are participating in this year’s challenge. Help us think up, build, and test an invention to help teachers overcome a common educational challenge, no matter how big or small, focused or general.

If you have an idea that can help educators and are interested in helping us, please reach out:

If you are a teacher or educator and would like to help, but don’t have the time to reach out, you can still contribute! Take five minutes and fill out this brief survey. If you can give us even a little insight into the challenges and success stories you experience as a teacher, we’d be quite grateful.

Learn more about the challenge itself at:

Mini Puzzle Hunt – Tonight 7pm

Do you love solving puzzles and brainteasers?  Come meet fellow puzzlers and work together to solve practice puzzles from MIT’s annual Mystery Hunt!  Puzzle topics range from quantum mechanics, to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, to Shakespeare.  There’s something for everyone, and beginners are welcome!  Event will begin with a brief introduction to puzzle competitions and the usual structure of the puzzles.