Maker Faire – Next Week 7/30 & 731

Sorry for the lack of posts.  i3 Detroit is on full tilt for Maker Faire next week.  We have nearly 30 projects on display across the faire.  We have people in tents as well as projects inside the Henry Ford, cars racing on the Power Wheels track and demos on the various stages.  At night, we will have the official Maker Faire After Party (9pm at i3 Detroit) with a 15 minute sneak peak of the Hackerspace Documentary: Electromagnate.  It’s going to be huge. 

Come check out our projects and party next week.  For your reading pleasure, here is a link to the official press release –

Metro Parent – BLAST OFF!!

Blast off to summer fun with this awesome family DIY project as Metro Parent teams up with i3 Detroit for some crafty good times!

Red Bull Creation Challenge: Live Blog – Last 20 Minutes

With the end in sight the interviews start.
Sneak peek at our creation.

10:40 – Mission Control standing by for last minute support as the team sweats through interviews and finding that last bolt for the warp drive.

LETS WIN THIS WELDER.  Hit the “LIKE” button on our team page

11:01 – Meet up with our team at 3pm @ McCarren Park, Brooklyn for the judging of who will be the next Red Bull model…. Creation winner!!
Interviews and photo ops shall now commence

11:49 – Loaded up ready to roll.

12:00 – Seems the top two liked projects were tweeted. We are one of them. “@RedBullCreation Inventions like these can be admired as of 3pm today at McCarren Park. #rbcreation

12:52 – Today at 3pm

3:30p – JCB: Just heard from the team, all is going very well and they’ve dubbed their creation the SquiggleTrike.




Red Bull Creation Challenge: Live Blog – Last 24 Hours


Streaming Live video by Ustream

Just over 24 hours are left in the competition and we are starting to wrap up the major aspects of our build in good shape.  We will be adding some extra goodies and doing thorough testing.  Will keep you updated as the final hours pass.

WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!  We can win additional prizes if we win the People’s Choice Award.  This is based on Facebook likes.  Please click here to help.

11:41a – War Room Online.  Posted pictures & video from yesterday.

12:23p – Currently 4th place in the People’s Choice Award.  Please help us by clicking “Like” on this page.

3:51p – We are 15 behind 1st place.  Please help the vote.

7:10p – JCB: Just talked to Nate on the NYC crew. It’s been a rather busy day for them so far. With 16 hours left on the build clock, the team has accomplished a heck of a lot so far today! Starting bright and early this morning, they set down to hacking, not on their creation, but to fix one of the two drill presses in the community workshop that had broken the day before.

After hanging a sign to let everyone know who brought the fix, they turned back to their creation. While it is working and as of the update, the only team driving their creation around, they’ve decided that in true i3Detroit fashion, “just good enough” wasn’t enough. They’ve taken inspiration from “Home Improvement” and added MORE POWER, in the form of an upgraded CO2 tank and accumulator system. There’s also interesting vehicle embellishments afoot, which showcase their prodigious electronics talents. We won’t give them away here, as we don’t want to be spoiling any surprises they have in store for the demo tomorrow, but you can bet they’ll leave the crowd entertained and the judges wowed.