Arduino Meetup: 7:30pm March 8

Is it the second Thursday of the month? Then it’s time for i3 Detroit’s Arduino Meetup!

Whether you’re a total newbie or an accomplished Arduino user (or even a fan of a competing platform), you’re welcome at this monthly event. There may be show-and-tell, there may be projects to work on, there may just be a lot of hanging out. It’s anyone’s guess, so just show up!

(Note: This was originally on the calendar for 7:00 but as you can see in the calendar sidebar, it’s been adjusted to 7:30! Good chance someone will be around if you arrive early, though.)

Open Shop Friday

It’s only 148 days until Maker Faire Detroit! Are you ready?

Open Shop Friday at i3 Detroit is a perfect time to make progress on your project, meet other area hackers and makers, and enjoy our fantastically repaired furnace. (Thanks Eric!) Maker Faire isn’t the only event coming up, of course, glance at the calendar! Notacon is right around the corner, Penguicon after that, Maker Faires happening all over the place… get busy!

i3Detroit Game Night

I have added the 5-minute Flash Duel to the plethora of innovative board and card games, and at least two of us will also probably play Destino, the territory-based wargame using Tarot cards. As usual, pizza will be provided. This game night is the first and third Thursdays of the month at i3Detroit.

Featured on Dangerous Prototypes: Reverse Engineering Car Parking Sensors

One of our members, James Kemp, was featured on the Dangerous Prototypes blog for his work on reverse engineering car parking sensors. Cool!

James’ full article can be seen on the instructables website here.

Open Shop Friday: Tool of the week: Vinyl Cutter

Looking for an excuse to visit the space? As if Open Shop Friday weren’t enough already, come this week (2/24) and get a quickie demo on how to use the vinyl cutter!

Of all the machines in the space, this is one of the easiest to learn, cheapest to run, and most addictive to use. Start with vector art, and within minutes, you’ll be sticking it on your friend’s car. With their permission, of course…

Like every Open Shop Friday, first-timer visitors are explicitly welcome. Just show up, 6pm or later, and figure out the doorbell. 😉