RBCreation: Down to the wire–30 minutes remain




We are down to the last 1/2 hour of the competition, an dour team is working so hard!


Huge thanks to Lincoln Electric and Torchmate for the awesome Plasma-cut logo



our team is exhausted — but they are finishing right down to the last second

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The “WhirlyTubulator” will go live for demonstration at 6:30pm.

We know our team is really focused on getting their creation finished because we have not received an updated photo of Matt’s hair…

but here’s a snap of it on the live-feed; along with Eric and Sean!


We’re confident that our team will get rave reviews!


RBC- Dawn of the Final Day

A lot has happened in the past day-ish;

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The team is really enjoying the sights that NYC has to offer.

marie and matt

Matt and Marie on the subway!

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A lot of public transit was involved; working with mission control to find items that they were lacking.

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Big decisions were made, and many items were purchased to build the creation. (nice clipboard!)


Our team was up for the majority of night going “balls-to-the-wall” trying to make the coolest and most interesting musical instrument that anyone has ever seen.


Of course, making friendly with the other teams – giving off that Dirty D charm.


Cliche progress photo–What on earth is going on!? Zip ties are key!




Pulleys! (Damn, bro, your tats look rad!)

Our team is near exhaustion today–and we are all waiting anxiously to see the final product…Win or lose; we are so proud of our team representing Detroit in such a positive way. Displaying the amazing talent that came out of the D speaks volumes of a city that is constantly shed in a negative light. We make cool stuff!

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Oh yeah….Matt’s hair is doing just fine! <3

Red Bull Creation – Day One: 45 hours remain!

As Day 1 draws to a close, our team has made some excellent progress!!

rocco matt sleeves

Got some sweet new tats!!


Appeared on TV at Home Base!!!



And built this awesome frame!!


UPDATE: Matt’s hair is doing just fine!!!

Stay tuned! Mission control is Super proud of our team! Can’t wait to see what’s in store next!



Red Bull Creation 2013 – Liveblog!!

RBC 2013 has gotten off to a roaring start! Our i3 Build team have taken planes, trains, and automobiles to converge on one of the most exciting moments together this summer! Matt, Sean, Rocco, Eric and Marie are on site and hacking away! Mission Control has dozens of people in a flurry to find our guys(and girl) directions to the hardware store, prices, part numbers or even the closest hair salon for gel/cream/fiber/magic to keep Matt’s hair in tip top shape during the craziness!

### Updates ###
[6/13 3:00PM] —   The team has dismantled and hacked the floor fans provided by RBC this year. Truly a sacrifice during the blistering Brooklyn heat.    

[6/13 3:25PM] —  Matt is dangerously low on hair product!

[6/13 3:37PM] — Matt: “We are at Home Depot, Message for supplies we are grabbing corded drills”

i3 Detroit Team Prep Photo
(See the grinders? That’s them preparing)


The Topic and Theme…. “Signal to Noise”


Quick planning session before build kick off at RBC!



The secret ingredient of i3’s creation this year?  Whirly Tubes!!!


[6/13 5:08PM]

New parts have arrived! A mad dash to Home Depot has yielded a whole bunch of corded drills.


We Made This At i3 Detroit – Gallery

From time to time we get pics of projects that i3 members have made, but don’t feel is right for an article. When we get one of those pictures, we will post it in our i3 Gallery here.

John S and Son built this Hovercraft.

John S and son built this working Hovercraft.