Test Event Test Post

I am testing to see if a new way of doing eventbrite. If this works we will have a local copy of all of the events we have and it will be integrated into our website non-shittily.

I am quite frankly suprised that this doesn’t break our website like the last attempt.

Also, Please don’t register for this event. I really don’t want to have to issue refunds and be bugged by a bunch of emails.

We keep people on our site. (Which means that we can link to our own damn site and be a strong independent hackerspace)
We can simplify creating a class. (Just write up a blag post and the leadership could do the hard part (creating eventbrite, advertisements))
I don’t have to figure out EB’s API. (If you are willing to do it please let me know.)

We end up with a bunch of iframes on our blog. (EB could disappear and we could have to fix things)

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Computational Infrastructure Upgrades

i3Detroit has been the fortunate recipient over its existence of several generations of donated enterprise-grade hardware, and has been running a pretty decent network.

The network computers serve several purposes:

  • Running our phones with a VM of Asterisk PBX
  • Managing space infrastructure, like the power meter that helps us split the power bill with our building mates
  • Running tool-specific VMs for various CNC machines around the space

The usual suspects show up: the HP Proliant DL360 G5, the mystery box that probably has Athlons in it, a pile of Cisco green labeled MARS.

This pile of cobbled-together aging hardware has served us well over the years, but in a flurry of failing hardware, the shockingly exponential price curve of DDR and DDR2 RAM, the increasingly-notable power draw of old hardware…it was time for a change.
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Lichtenberg figures by agmlego and mjgardes

High Tech Xmas Gifts Made by i3Detroit Members

We weren’t really searching for unusual handmade gift ideas, this opportunity just sort of came upon us.  You’ll see why soon enough.

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i3Detroit: Now available at the speed of light!

Almost a month ago, a few i3 Detroit members decided that the wait was over: we had been talking about it for over two years and we couldn’t wait any longer.  We were ready to reach out and take our place boldly, sharing our thoughts with others through the filter of experience and across the bandwidth of our maker community.

All we needed was a few good people, and our plan started to resonate.

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OctoberLan 2014 – Oct 11,1pm

lan party

 A LAN party is a temporary gathering of people with computers or compatible game consoles, between which they establish a local area network (LAN), primarily for the purpose of playing multiplayer video games.

Come hang out, bring a computer with the games below installed, or bring a console and a few games (Usually some classic systems show up and some mario kart 64 gets going for a few hours) Sega, dreamcast, N64.


We’ll probably pickup a few pizzas at some point, Pop is always onsite in the fridge $0.50,

Schedule – expect to change, check back 

12:00 Warm up sessions
1:30 TF2
3:00 DOTA2
5:00 Foods
5:30  Candy Crush
6:00 Warcraft 3
7:30 Retro
9:00 Mario Party
10:00 CS:S
11:30 Gauntlet
00:00(Midnight) Games of choice till dawn