Introduction to Jewelry Making Class

The i3Detroit Jewelry Zone is proud to announce our first workshop:   “Introduction to Jewelry Making”.  This two day workshop is a great opportunity if you are new to jewelry making and would like to learn what it is all about.

Class Goals:
Introduction to Jewelry Making

   Overview of Jewelry Making Techniques
   Review of Jewelry Making Materials
   Focus on Metals Used in Jewelry Making

Working in the Jewelry Zone
   Ground Rules

Students will:
You will make and take home a handmade and uniquely decorated pendant or keychain fob (your choice) made from at least two different metals.  All tools and materials will be provided.

For this project, you will learn how to:   cut with a jeweler’s saw and metal shear, properly file rough edges on metal, drill holes in metal using at least two different methods, create surface texture, basic soldering principles, applying patina solution (color) on metal, and finishing/polishing.

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Art Workshop at i3 – Intro to Painting & Acrylic Basics

Ever wanted to get into painting or learn some new techniques? Join me, Aaron Greenwell, for an introductory to Acrylic Painting and Painting basics at i3.

Aaron Greenwell has a BFA in Sculpture from Wayne State and has spent a lot of studio time learning various painting and art processes. You will have a fun and inspiring time working with his eccentric attitude as he guides you in exploring fundamental uses of painting tools as well as learning to explore your own methods of creativity.

Acrylic is a great medium to start with, not too different from Watercolor. It dries fast which allows you to explore different techniques and fix mistakes fast. I still prefer working in Acrylic over Oil a lot of the time!

Weather pending, I may try to setup for us to paint outdoors. I find fresh air makes everything better.

This event is for Wednesday, August 5th from 7pm – 9:30pm

Who is allowed to join?: Anyone 18+ is welcome! Experienced and inexperienced artists, crafters, and curious minds of all type are welcome to this workshop.

The goals of the workshop:

  • Give people the essential tools to start painting in Acrylic themselves
  • Inspire and teach attendees how to develop techniques and explore
  • Motivate us all to create great pieces using this fantastic artistic pursuit.
  • To provide a piece to take home either finished or almost there.

The workshop will start by covering:

  • Basic brush and paint maintenance
  • How to mix powerful vibrant colors & problem solving color issues
  • Different brushes and how they can be useful

After the basics we will explore:

  • How to problem solve in Art and Painting
  • How to explore your own techniques!
  • A group study/painting
  • A group Critique
Required supplies:
  • Your lovely self!
  • Bring any painting or Acrylic supplies you may have (easle, canvas, etc.)
  • If you do not have supplies, I will have supplies on hand for people to play around with
  • In spirit of my own philosophy, I prefer people get to learn and become comfortable with there own materials when possible, however I will be providing supplies for those who have no experience or supplies.
  • As thanks to helping support me in running these workshops, you will have your choice of a paint brush to take home.
  • We will also be creating a piece for you to take home as well.
  • One lucky individual will earn an additional prize in the form of Art Supplies to take home with them.
If you need to contact me for questions or concerns, you can reach me by e-mailing

You can purchase seating through EventBrite at $19.00 per seat. If you cannot or do not want to use EvenBrite for reservation, please contact me directly. Seating is limited to 15 for this first class.

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Art Workshop at i3 – Intro to Acrylic & Painting Basics

Ever wanted to get into painting or learn some new techniques? Join me, Aaron Greenwell, for an introductory to Acrylic Painting and Painting basics at i3.

Aaron Greenwell has a BFA in Sculpture from Wayne State and has spent a lot of studio time learning various painting and art processes. You will have a fun and inspiring time working with his eccentric attitude as he guides you in exploring fundamental uses of the brush as well as learning to explore your own methods of creativity.

Acrylic is a great medium to start with, not too different from Watercolor. It dries fast which allows you to explore different techniques and fix mistakes fast. I still prefer working in Acrylic over Oil a lot of the time!

Weather pending, I may try to setup for us to paint outdoors. I find fresh air makes everything better.

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i3 Alley Cat Race

The i3 Bike Zone is hosting the first i3 Alley Cat Race on Saturday the 11th 1pm – 4pm. It’s kind of like a scavenger hunt on bike. Are you secretly the best at finding quick routes around town? Show off your skills at the i3 Alley Cat. There will be prizes. A $2 donation is recommended.


Detroit Torch Oxy/Acetylene Demo


Detroit Torch, purveyor of fine welding torches with evocative names such as “The Detroiter”, “The Enforcer” and the wonderfully clever “DHC2000”, are coming to i3 Detroit! These torches reputedly have among them the power of plasma, the control of TIG, with the elegance of a fine flame.

They are bringing some of their fantastic gear to show us that the art of Fire is alive and well in the Age of Electricity.

Primarily, this demo will focus on cutting, bending, welding, and generally applying heat to achieve cool results. Metals including aluminum, steel, and stainless steel are included by default, with other material being possible with advance notice.

If turnout and interest are high enough, the company might be willing to sponsor i3 in some fashion, so be sure to make it out if you are interested, or just really like fire.

Demonstrations will start around 6:30 and will continue as long as there is interest, acetylene, and time.


Attendees must be at least 18 years old or be accompanied by a legal guardian who is also attending this event.

What to Bring:

If you want to get hands on with the torches make sure you come dressed in flame safe clothes. Everything else will be provided.

Click after the break to get a ticket.

Event Time:

Wednesday, June 10, 6:30pm-?

 Click Read More to get a ticket!

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