Entries by Nate Bezanson

DIY Filmmaker Meetup: Tonight 7pm

The date is upon us! Anyone with an interest in do-it-yourself film or video production is invited to i3Detroit for our second DIY Filmmaker Meetup. Be at 1481 Wordsworth tonight at 7:00, and meet peers, mentors, collaborators… Bring samples of your work and we’ll show ’em for the group! Last time we did this, the […]

Open Shop Friday: The Revenge of Open Shop

Short notice, short post. Doors will be open by 7, perhaps earlier. Check the twitter for the door-is-open message. See you later! (For new visitors: Open Shop is a great time to check out i3Detroit for the first time. Bring a project, bring a friend, get a tour, have some fun!)

DIY Filmmaker Meetup POSTPONED: Now 10/14

Do you lay awake at night waiting for i3Detroit’s event announcements? Have you been tormented by the impending, but silent, approach of our next DIY Filmmaker Meetup? Were you wrestling with personal commitments, trying to clear your schedule for tomorrow’s awesomeness? Then fear not, dear reader, because you’ve been granted a week’s reprieve! The much-anticipated […]

Antenna-building class, 6pm!

The antenna-building class is almost upon us! And I’m sure about the time on this one, it’s 6:00pm. If I get there on time. (fingers crossed!) Students who pre-registered: Bring $15 (or $20 if you want to help pay it forward) cash for the materials. I can also take Paypal but that sucks. Also, if […]

Sharpening Class 7pm

When I created the Eventbrite post for tonight’s blade maintenance workshop, I set the time wrong, at 6pm. But when I entered it on the Google Calendar, I set it correctly, for 7. Then in last week’s upcoming-events post, I got it wrong again. Things will get under way at 7:00! My apologies for the […]